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Episode | 00
Concerning Podcasts

An introduction to the hosts and our plans for this podcast

Episode | 01
The Eagles Are Not A Taxi Service

Using logic and source material, we explain why the eagles couldn't drop off the adventurers of the Hobbit and the Trilogy at their destination

Epsiode | 02
In Defense of the Hobbit Films​

Many people think that Jackson just vomited a bunch of materials on top of the Hobbit and made it into three movies. We will discuss the various sources that Jackson pulled the "extra" information from and how it makes sense to include them in the films.

Epsiode | 03
The Lord of the Games

A discussion of the various board games and video game associated with the Lord of the Rings books and films

Epsiode | 04
What You Have Been Trained For: The Scouring of the Shire

We (mostly Brad) discuss the Scouring of the Shire and how the Hobbits' interactions with the various peoples of Middle Earth prepared them to reclaim their home from Saruman and the ruffians.

Epsiode | 05
The Women of the Lord of the Rings

Brad discusses the women of LOTR while Kaitlin goes on feminist rants.

Epsiode | 06
Masculinity in the Lord of the Rings

We discuss the aspects of Masculinity in The Lord of the Rings.

We apologize for the low audio quality, we are having some issues with our equipment.

Epsiode | 07
The Hero's Journey I

The first of a series on Campbell's Hero's Journey.

Epsiode | 08
The Hero's Journey II

Let's delve into the first stages of Bilbo's (and a little bit of Thorin's) Hero's Journey...

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